Narcotics & Drug Trafficking

Federal and state drug possession laws make it a crime to willfully possess illegal controlled substances such as marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, LSD, “club drugs,” and heroin. These laws also criminalize the possession of “precursor” chemicals used in drug cultivation and manufacturing, as well as certain accessories related to drug use. Drug possession laws vary according to drug type, amount, and geographic area of the offense. Possession of small quantities may be deemed “simple” possession, while possession of large amounts may result in a charge of presumed “possession with intent to distribute.” – See more at:


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+1 (561) 809-9199

Serving South Florida

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6400 North Andrews Avenue #505

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

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21458 Burnside court

Boca Raton, FL 33433

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Categories of Drug Possession Laws

Drug possession laws generally fall into one of two main categories: (1) simple possession (for personal use); and (2) possession with intent to distribute. The latter category typically carries stiffer penalties upon conviction, compared to simple possession, as the goal is to punish and deter drug dealers. To prove possession with intent to sell, prosecutors may present evidence such as digital scales, baggies, large quantities of the drug, large amounts of cash in small bills or testimony from witnesses.

Drug Trafficking – possessing, conspiracy to traffic, or selling and/or delivery of drugs can be considered drug trafficking. A conviction for drug trafficking carries an enhanced jail sentence, large fines, and mandatory minimum jail sentencing in Florida.

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+1 (561) 809-9199

Serving South Florida

(24/7 Free Consultation)



6400 North Andrews Avenue #505

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

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21458 Burnside court

Boca Raton, FL 33433

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