Fort Lauderdale Marijuana Drug Crime Lawyers

The legalization of marijuana has been a hot topic of debate for years. Some states have legalized the use of marijuana while others have not. This has led to much confusion about what is legal and what is not.

Florida marijuana laws make medical marijuana legal, but recreational marijuana remains prohibited. You can face legal charges once caught with marijuana without a medical prescription. If you are facing marijuana drug charges, it is crucial to contact Roderman & Johnston Partnership of Professional Associations as soon as possible. We can help you defend against these charges and protect your rights with our drug crime lawyers Fort Lauderdale.

Marijuana Possession in Florida

Possession of marijuana is a criminal offense in Florida. You can get charged with a misdemeanor if caught with even a small amount of marijuana. The penalties for possession of marijuana depend on the amount of marijuana you have in your possession.

The laws surrounding marijuana are constantly changing. It is crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest changes in the law. FL marijuana laws indicate that medical marijuana is legal, but recreational marijuana is not.

What are the Charges and Penalties for the Possession of Marijuana?

The amount of marijuana that you have may determine whether your case is a felony or misdemeanor charge. The penalties for possession of marijuana depend on the amount of marijuana you have in your possession.

Misdemeanor Charges and Penalties

Misdemeanor charges can result in a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail.  Florida’s marijuana possession laws are fairly straightforward. If you’re charged with possession of marijuana, your first court appearance will be in a misdemeanor court.

When facing misdemeanor charges for simple possession, the prosecutor could charge you for constructive possession or actual possession. Actual possession means they found drugs on your person, such as in your pockets. Constructive possession means that the drugs are in an area where you controlled them, such as in your car.

The penalties for constructive possession are the same as those for actual possession. However, it is more difficult to prove your innocence if you got charged with constructive possession.

You can also have charged with a misdemeanor if you got caught with marijuana paraphernalia. This includes pipes, bongs, rolling papers, and roach clips. The penalties for this charge are a fine of up to $1,000 and up to one year in jail.

Felony Charges and Penalties

Felony charges are much more severe, and the penalty depends on how much marijuana you have in your possession. There are two different types of felonies: first-degree and second-degree.

First-degree felonies are more serious than second-degree felonies because they carry higher penalties and longer prison sentences. You can get convicted on a first-degree felony charge in Florida if you have had intent to sell or distribute the drugs found in your possession.

If you got caught with more than 20 grams of marijuana, you can have a fine of up to $5,000 and get sentenced to up to five years in prison.

If you got charged with a DUI, you can face up to nine months in jail. Additionally, your driver’s license will get suspended for up to one year. If you ever get caught driving while your license is still suspended, you can get charged with a felony.

If you got caught with more than 20 grams of marijuana, you can have charged with possession with intent to sell. The penalties for this charge are much more severe. You can have a fine of up to $25,000 and get sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.

How the Attorney Can Help

Do I need a lawyer for simple possession, you may ask? Yes! If you got charged with possession of marijuana, whether is a  first offense misdemeanor possession Florida or not — you would need to contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help you defend against these charges and protect your rights.

FL drug crime lawyers can help you navigate the complicated legal system, and they will be able to advise you on the best course of action for your case. First offense misdemeanor possession charges may seem minor, but they can have a lasting impact on your life. A lawyer can help you understand the charges against you and the possible penalties as they will also be able to help you build a strong defense.

Additionally, Fort Lauderdale drug crime lawyers can help you negotiate a plea deal with the prosecutor. If you are facing felony charges, an attorney can help you avoid a prison sentence. An experienced attorney will know how to best defend against possession of marijuana charges. They are familiar with the laws in your state and will know what defenses perfect for your case.

If you are facing marijuana charges, you must contact experienced Florida drug crime lawyers as soon as possible. At Roderman & Johnston Partnership of Professional Associations, we have experience handling all drug cases, including possession of marijuana. We can work tirelessly to ensure the protection of your rights and that you receive the best possible outcome in your case — contact us today to schedule a free consultation!

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