
This list includes cases in which:

*Indicates clients who are eligible to have their records sealed or expunged

Case numbers are available upon request.

The charges were dropped or dismissed

Joshua M.

Charge: Possession of cannabis with intent to sell.

Charles S.

Charge: Domestic Battery w/Deadly Weapon

Jacolby L.

Charge: Possessing burglary tools. Grand theft. Loitering and prowling.

Michael N.

Charge: Delivery of Cannabis to Under 18 YOA

Robert J.

Charge: Battery - cause bodily harm - domestic violence.

Aron V.

Charge: Battery (Domestic)

Gail F.

Charge: Fraudulent use of personal identification information

Adam S.

Charge: Carrying concealed weapon firearm, a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison.

Lee County, FL case - Glenn was consulting attorney to Wilber Smith, Esquire.

Justin J. *

Charge: The Defendant was arrested for:
Count I - Possession of Controlled Substance/Hash Oil;
Count II - Possession of Controlled Substance/Hash Oil;
Count III - Marijuana Distribution/Deliver under 20 grams; and
Count IV - Tamping with or Fabricating Physical Evidence.

Punishable By: Count I is punishable by up to five (5) years in Florida State Prison and a Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000.00) fine;
Count II is punishableby up to five (5) years in Florida State Prison and a Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000.00) fine;
Count III is punishable by up to sixty (60) days in county jail and a Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) fine; and
Count IV is punishable by up to five (5) years in Florida State Prison and a Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000.00) fine.

Disposition/Sentence: The Palm Beach State Attorney's Office decided not to file any criminal charges against this Defendant.


Charge: The Defendant was charged with one count of Unlawfully Failing to Secure Workers Compensation Insurance which is a third (3rd) degree felony and one count of Unlicensed Contractor which is a first (1st) degree misdemeanor.

Punishable By: Count I, Unlawfully Failing to Secure Workers Compensation Insurance, is punishable by up to five (5) years in Florida State Prison and a $5,000.00 fine. Count II, Unlicensed Contractor, is punishable by up to one (1) year in the county jail and a $1,000.00 fine.


Charge: The Defendant was charged with Count I, Kidnapping, which is a first (1st) degree felony; Count II, Neglect Child without Great Bodily Harm which is a third (3rd) degree felony; and Count III, Touch or Strike/Battery/Domestic Violence.

Punishable By: Count I is punishable by up to thirty (30) years in Florida State Prison and a $10,000.00 fine. Count II is punishable by up to five (5) years in Florida State Prison and a $5,000.00 fine. Count III is a first (1st) degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one (1) year in the county jail and a $1,000.00 fine.

T.M *

Charge: The Defendant was charged with Resisting Arrest without Violence which is a first degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one (1) year in the county jail and a $1,000.00 fine. The Defendant was also charged with Disorderly Conduct which is a second degree misdemeanor punishable by up to sixty (60) days in the county jail and a $500.00 fine.

S.B *

Charge: The Defendant was charged with two (2) counts of Burglary of an Occupied Dwelling which is a first degree felony punishable by up to thirty (30) years in prison and a $10,000.00 fine. The Defendant was also charged with misdemeanor Stalking punishable by up to one (1) year in the county jail and a $1,000.00 fine.


Charge: Our client was charged with Aggravated Assault with a Firearm, punishable by five (5) years in state prison with a mandatory minimum of three (3) years.

S.H. *

Charge: A 50-year old wife and mother, our client was charged with Arson, a first-degree felony punishable by thirty (30) years in prison, Criminal Mischief, punishable by five (5) years in prison and Domestic Violence, a first-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one (1) year in the county jail.

S.C. *

Charge: Facing two counts – Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer and Resisting Arrest with Violence – S.C. could have received a sentence of five (5) years in prison on each count.

G.T. *

Charge: While on vacation in South Florida, our client was charged with Check Fraud, a third-degree felony punishable by five (5) years in state prison.

A.G. *

Charge: Our client, an 18-year old college student, was arrested on a single count of Possession of Cannabis, which although a misdemeanor, is still punishable by one (1) year in the county jail.


Charge: Charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, our client could have received five (5) years in prison.


Charge: Our client was arrested on a Felony DUI (his 3rd offense) and Possession of Cocaine, with each count punishable by five (5) years state prison.

A.G. *

Charge: Charged with Resisting Arrest with Violence, A. G. could have been sentenced to five (5) years in prison.

S.W. *

Charge: S.W. faced two counts: Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, punishable by five (5) years in state prison, and Resisting Arrest with Violence, also punishable by five (5) years in prison.

P. McP.

Charge: Arrested on a charge of Domestic Violence Battery, this former client faced one (1) year incarceration in the county jail.

S.R. *

Charge: S.R. was charged with Possession of Cocaine with Intent to sell, punishable by fifteen (15) years in state prison.

S.S. *

Charge: Charged with Child Abuse, S. S. could have received five (5) years in prison.


Charge: Arrested on a charge of Sexual Battery, a first-degree felony, our client, a local bishop, faced a possible sentence of thirty (30) years in state prison.

V.J. *

Charge: Charged with Aggravated Battery with serious bodily injury, a first-degree felony, V.J. could have received thirty (30) years in prison, if convicted.

M.S. *

Charge: Our client was charged with Sexual Battery and Burglary of an Occupied Structure. Sexual Battery is a second degree felony punishable by a 15-year prison sentence and a lifetime sex offender designation. Burglary is also punishable by fifteen (15) years in prison.

G.L. *

Charge: Charged with Exploitation of the Elderly in Excess of $100,000, G.L., only 23 at the time of her arrest, faced fifteen (15) years in prison.

J.B. *

Charge: Arrested on charges of Battery L.E.O., Resisting with Violence and Domestic Violence Assault, J.B., a 32-year old married engineer, could have been sentenced to eleven (11) years in Florida State Prison.

E.B. *

Charge: Charged with Domestic Violence Battery, our client faced up to one (1) year in the county jail, if convicted.


Charge: Originally charged with:

1) Battery on Law Enforcement Officer
2) Battery Law Enforcement Officer
3) Arresting Arrest W/Violence

3rd degree felonies punishable by up to 5 years in prison and $5,000.00 fines related to each count, and

4) Trespassing
5) Disorderly Conduct

Misdemeanors punishable by county jail time and/or fines


Charge: Originally charged with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon-3rd degree felony
punishable by up to 5 years Florida State Prison and $5,000.00 fine.


Charge: Defendant was charged with Possession of Cocaine with the Intent to Sell, punished by 15 years in prison and a $1500.00 fine.


Charge: Charged with two (2) counts of DUI with property damage and refusal of alcohol test.

Punishable By: The penalty if convicted is up to a year in the county jail, one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars fine, long term suspension, immobilization of vehicle, interlock devise on the vehicle, counselling, DUI school on each count.

The client was found not guilty

P.M. *

Charge: Charged with Robbery, P.M. faced a sentence of up to thirty (30) years in prison.

R.P. *

Charge: In two (2) separate cases in which the State charged our client with Lewd and Lascivious Molestation of a Child Under 16 years of age, this happily married middle school music teacher and father faced fifteen (15) years in prison on each count and a lifetime sex offender designation.

The criminal charges were reduced

Brett F.

Charge: 1. Possession Of Alprazolam, a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison; 2. Possession Of Anabolic Steroid, a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison; 3. Possess Cannabis/20 Grams Or Less, a first-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in the county jail and up to $1000 Fine; 4. Possession Control Substance W/o Prescript, a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison; 5. Possession Of Anabolic Steroid, a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison;
6. Possession Of Anabolic Steroid, a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison; and 7. Possession Of Anabolic Steroid, a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison.

Maria S.

Charge: Aggravated Assault W/Deadly Weapon, a 10/20/life case.

Jeffrey V. *

Charge: The Defendant was charged with:
Count I, False Imprisonment which is a third (3rd) degree felony;
Count II, Battery which is a first (1st) degree felony;
Count III, Tamper with Witness which is a third (3rd) degree felony.

Punishable By: Count I is punishable by up to five (5) years in Florida State Prison and a Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000.00) fine;
Count II is punishable by up to one (1) year in the county jail and a One Thousand Dollar ($1,000.00) fine; and
Count III is punishable by up to five (5) years in Florida State Prison and a Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000.00) fine.

Lori T. *

Charge: The Defendant was charged with:
Count I, Aggravated Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer which is a second (2nd) degree felony;
Count II, Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer which is a third (3rd) degree felony;
Count III, Assault which is a second (2nd) degree misdemeanor; and
Count IV, Assault which is a second (2nd) degree misdemeanor.

Punishable By: Count I is punishable by a mandatory minimum of three (3) years and up to fifteen (15) years in Florida State Prison;
Count II is punishable by up to five (5) years in Florida State Prison and a Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000.00) fine;
Count III is punishable by up to sixty (60) days in county jail and a Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) fine; and
Count IV is punishable by up to sixty (60) days in county jail and a Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) fine

Disposition/Sentence: Count I was reduced to Battery, a first (1st) degree misdemeanor;
Count II was reduced to Battery, a first (1st) degree misdemeanor; and


Charge: The Defendant was charged with one (1) count of RICO which is a first (1st) degree felony and Criminal Conspiracy which is a second (2nd) degree felony.

Punishable By: Count I, RICO, is punishable by up to thirty (30) years in Florida State Prison and a $10,000.00 fine. Count II, Criminal Conspiracy, is punishable by up to fifteen (15) years in Florida State Prison and a $10,000.00 fine.

Disposition/Sentence: Adjudication was withheld, the Defendant was place on six (6) months of mail-in probation, and ordered to pay court costs.

E.P. *

Charge: The Defendant was charged with one (1) count of Grand Theft which was a third (3) degree felony.

Punishable By: Up to 5 (five) years in Florida State Prison and a $5,000.00 fine.

V.G *

Charge: The Defendant was charged with one count of felony Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer and one count of Resisting Arrest with Violence. Each charge is punishable by up to five (5) years in prison and a $5,000.00 fine.


Charge: Charged with Attempted Murder, our client could have been sentenced to thirty (30) years in prison with a minimum of twenty (20) years.

S.C. *

Charge: Charged with Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer and Resisting Arrest with Violence, S.C. faced a prison sentence of five (5) years on each count.


Charge: E.M. was charged with: Drug Trafficking, a first-degree felony punishable by thirty (30) years in state prison.


Charge: Our client was arrested on two (2) counts of Lewd and Lascivious Exhibition, a first-degree felony punishable by thirty (30) years prison on each count, and three (3) misdemeanor counts of public exposure.


Charge: Charged with Battery and Robbery, our client, a 63-year old successful businessman, faced a 30-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine.


Charge: Arrested for Trafficking in Hydrocodone and Possession of Cannabis, our 20-year old client faced up to thirty (30) years in Florida State Prison and a hefty fine on the felony charge and one (1) year in the county jail along with an additional fine on the misdemeanor possession charge.


Charge: Defendant originally charged with Accessory to Murder in the first degree. Potential sentences -30 years Florida State Prison.


Charge: Charged with violation of probation on a felony drug charge due to an Alabama felony charged of Identity Theft and Exploration of the Elderly.

Punishable By: Could have been up to five (5) years Florida State prison

Disposition/Sentence: One (1) day time served


Charge: Charged with nine (9) counts of lewd and Lascivious Molestation and Sexual Battery on a child under twelve (12).

Punishable By: The penalty if convicted could be life in prison for each count

Disposition/Sentence: One year in county jail

Client received probation

Del’Jimmyo W. J.

Charge: Charged with Home Invasion Robbery, a first-degree felony, punishable by up to thirty (30) years in prison and Grand Theft in the 3rd Degree, a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison.


Charge: Charged with Home Invasion Robbery, a first degree felony, punishable by up to thirty (30) years in prison and Grand Theft in the 3rd Degree, a third degree felony, punishable by up to five (5) years in prison.


Charge: Charged with Trafficking Steroids, our client faced a mandatory prison sentence and a hefty fine.


Charge: Our client was originally charged with Burglary/ Battery, a life felony, which was reduced to Burglary, a 3rd degree felony, and Battery, a misdemeanor.


Charge: Charged with five (5) counts of possession of various drugs (his third felony arrest), E. U. faced fifteen (15) years in prisonon each count.


Charge: Our client, who has an extensive criminal record, was charged with Possession of Cocaine just weeks after being released from prison on a 15-year sentence. He faced a minimum of six (6) years.


Charge: Arrested on three (3) counts of Shooting into an Occupied building, our client could have been sentenced to forty-five(45) years in Florida State Prison.


Charge: Charged with Strong Arm Robbery, our client faced a possible sentence of thirty (30) years in prison.


Charge: Arrested for Trafficking Cocaine over 28 grams, D.L. faced a prison sentence of thirty (30) years with a mandatory minimum sentence of three (3) years plus a $50,000 fine.


Charge: F.M. was charged with Burglary/Battery, a first-degree felony punishable by life in prison, Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a third-degree felony punishable by five years in prison, and Grand Theft Auto, another third-degree felony punishable by five years in prison


Charge: Charged with eight (8) counts of Drug Trafficking, if convicted our client faced up to two hundred forty (240) years in-prison.


Charge: Charged with 89 theft transactions involving fraudulent use of credit cards, the State agreed to reduce the charges to three (3) third-degree felonies.


Charge: A successful chef and happily married father of three, our client was charged with Home Invasion/Armed robbery, a first-degree felony punishable by life in prison, Kidnapping, another first-degree felony punishable by life, and Aggravated Battery, a second-degree felony punishable by fifteen (15) years in prison.


Charge: A juvenile, this 17-year old could have been charged as an adult on a charge of Burglary with a Firearm (an AK-47)and two counts of Grand Theft. Burglary with a Firearm is a first degree felony punishable by up to thirty (30) years in prison.

C.E. *

Charge: Our client, just 18, was charged with twelve (12) felonies including multiple counts of Burglary and Dealing in Stolen Property. If convicted, he could have been sentenced to fifty (50) years in prison.


Charge: Shortly after being put on probation on a felony charge here in Broward County, our 34-year old client was arrested on Burglary and Grand theft charges in Lee County and sentenced to jail time, thereby violating his probation here. Upon being returned to Broward County, he could have received a prison sentence of at least five (5) years.


Charge: Arrested for drug trafficking and possession, D.S. could have been sentenced to up to thirty (30) years Florida StatePrison with a minimum of three (3) years and a $50,000 fine, if convicted.


Charge: Our client was charged with Racketeering (RICO), three (3) counts of Bookmaking and four (4) counts of Keeping a Gambling House. The racketeering charge alone carries a sentence of thirty (30) years in Florida State Prison and the other seven counts carry a prison sentence of five (5) years each.


Charge: Charged with Burglary with Assault or Battery, a first degree felony, our client faced life in prison.


Charge: Our 28-year old client was charged with nine (9) counts of felony possession of a controlled substance. If convicted, he could have been sentenced to five (5) years in state prison on each count.


Charge: Charges: Charged with Dealing in Stolen Property (12 computers), a second degree felony, our client faced a prison sentence of up to fifteen (15) years.


Charge: Defendant had violated probation for the fifth time. He was on probation for Trafficking in Oxycodone, which carried a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years and $500.000.00 fine.


Charge: Defendant charged with violating his probation on three (3) previous cases, wherein he was charged with three (3) separate DUI’s and sentenced to concurrent probation. The violations were due to multiple convictions in Ohio for multiple DUI’s there. Penalty for that violation could have been at least three (3) years in prison.

Glenn Roderman lawyers argued that the client was a youthful offender


Charge: Arrested on a charge of Aggravated Assault with a Firearm (discharging firearm), our client could have received a 20-year mandatory minimum sentence.


Charge: Charged with Robbery with a Firearm, this client faced a life sentence.


Charge: Our client had an extensive juvenile record before being charged as an adult with Robbery with a Firearm in this case in which a young woman was shot. He faced life in prison.

Other successes

Karl L.

Charge: The client was being investigated for a violation of the Florida Sunshine Law.

J.B. and J.J.

Charge: In separate cases, these two juveniles, ages 12 and 16 respectively, were charged with lewd and lascivious acts on a minor, a first-degree felony which could have resulted in several years of detention in a juvenile facility.


Charge: M.H., a 22-year old father of two young children, was charged with Trafficking in Cocaine in Excess of 400 Grams and Conspiracy to Traffic in Cocaine, both first-degree felonies each punishable by a 30-year prison sentence with a mandatory minimum of fifteen (15) years and a $500,000 fine.


Charge: Arrested for Trafficking in Oxycodone, our 52- year old client had several prior drug-related arrests and convictions. This time, he faced a twenty-five year mandatory sentence and $500,000 in fines.

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